Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Introduction to the U.S.A. and Conclusion from Haiti

Greetings family and friends!

2015 Family Outer Banks Picture!
A lot has happened in the last couple of months and I am glad we are BOTH full-time back in the states now. So thankful for everyone's prayers and support as we were in Haiti and also transitioning to Maryland. In fact, we are still transitioning. Daniel started school yesterday and I have had a temporary job for the last week, which will go for a few more days. I have a couple interviews lined up for the next week, I am open to wherever God wants to take me. Just looking forward to serving in whatever position I end up with. Currently, we are living in an apartment, but we are almost done closing on a condo we bought.

Celebrating being full-time in the states!
It is hard to sum up our time in Haiti, but we were both ready to leave. My time with Mission Aviation Fellowship was amazing, and I am so thankful that I had that opportunity to serve with them while in Haiti. They are helping so many people in the work they do, not just in Haiti, but all over the world. May they be the light that people need to see God and who He really is through their service. Daniel finished his contract on the 25th of August working for Colibri. He learned a lot during that time and can use that knowledge to continue his education to get his bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering.

I would like to challenge you to look outside of our "bubble" to see where we can serve, whether it is right next door or maybe even a bigger adventure to a new country. I pray that each one of you that reads this, may feel the love of God surrounding you in whatever way you need Him most. Blessings to you and your loved ones.
At the Air & Space Museum in D.C.
I would like to ask for your continued prayers as there are things unsettled as for when we will have a permanent place to live. Also, for Daniel starting at UMD (University of Maryland) and for myself as I find a job that is a good fit for me and also the company that I will be joining.

God Bless,
Amy & Daniel