Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Tredway Update

 Hi Friends and Family! 

It's been awhile since I have posted in my blog mainly because much hasn't changed. However, Daniel and I have been wanting to go to Guinea, Africa for awhile. Daniel was there 9 years ago doing mission work and created a lot of great relationships there. We have been praying about the right time to return. Since Daniel is taking a break from grad school this semester we thought that now would be a good time to try and go. We are hoping to go for 3 months. Part of the reason we aren't going with a specific mission organization is because Daniel already has the contacts there and we can create our own trip.  Daniel is good friends with a man named Dr. Sekou and we will be working with him and the people in his church. 

We were scheduled to fly out of New York (JFK) today, March 16. However, our tourist visa hasn't been approved yet so we are waiting for the visas to be approved and then we will rebook our tickets. We have some great people helping us in Guinea and should know more later this week or early next week if we can go. Obviously, we don't want to cancel but we are trusting God's timing and will take one day at time. 

I have been meaning to post an update for awhile but we have been very busy. We returned early Sunday morning from a week vacation to Sanibel Island, Florida with my mom, dad and grandma. We were also able to visit some other family and friends on our drive to Florida and on the way back. 

Please pray for us as we prepare for the trip and also the visa situation. We will keep you updated when we know more. Whatever the outcome we remain hopeful for whatever God's plans are for us. 

God Bless,
Amy & Daniel