Friends and Family,
It has been awhile since I posted on my blog, we have been really busy with Daniel in school full time and myself working full time. I wanted to share with you something that has come up recently. The church here in Maryland (Maryland Christian Fellowship Community Church) that Daniel and I have become members at is going on a mission trip in Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua. When I heard about the mission trip coming up in January, I didn't really think about going because I figured I already knew what it would be like. Thoughts came up in my mind like, "I have lived in a third world country so this doesn't apply to me." However, in the last few weeks God was telling me something different. A book I have been reading is about saying yes to God and I figured I at least needed to be open to this trip if God really wants me to go on this trip. What He wanted from me was to be open to change my plans I already made as I was really looking forward to having a long week around Christmas with my family and friends in Michigan but I can't do both. I feel like it is more important to see what God wants to do with me on this trip and cut my vacation short in Michigan than wonder what I might have missed out on.
The trip is scheduled for January 4-11, 2017 and I am looking forward to working with other members of my church to be apart of what God is doing in Nicaragua. I will be going without Daniel as this is something that God has put on my heart and he will be taking a 3 week class during that time. Our purpose on this trip is to minister to orphans. We will participate in activities with the orphans that
are designed to build relationships and share Christ’s love.
First and foremost, I ask that you pray for us as we go. Pray
for our health, our safety, unity as a team and pray that we can be effective for the Lord.
Secondly, I would ask that you pray about becoming a part of
this effort through your financial support. The cost is $1,600 which covers all expenses, including travel, lodging, food and ministry funds. The payment deadline for this trip is November 30th. However, I have to pay $700 by October 15 and $700 by November 15. Not everyone can go firsthand, so
I’d like to extend the opportunity for you to share in this effort with us. God
honors each one’s part in His overall plans. Whether you can give $5, $50, $500
or $1600, all gifts make a huge difference no matter how large or small. The
lost matter to God; therefore, they matter to us. Please prayerfully consider
how you might join with me in this effort. Thank you for caring and praying.
You can make payments online at: and please
be sure to select my name. Or you can pay by check and please make your checks
payable to “MCF”, put my name in the memo line and mail them to me at: 11366
Cherry Hill Road Unit 301, Beltsville, MD 20705.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support, and I will keep you updated on the progress of our trip! Feel free to contact me with any questions.