Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Time of Waiting

 Hi Friends and Family,

As I mentioned in my last post we were going to leave for Guinea, Africa on March 16. However, our visas still haven't been approved. I was waiting to send an update once I had more information. Unfortunately, we still don't know why our visas are still pending. We have a couple friends in Guinea who have been helping us on that end get it figured out. There is a chance we won't be able to go at all. So we are talking about other options and what we are supposed to do in this time of waiting. 

A few weeks ago we went to Spruce Knob, WV and took Daniel's telescope out there. We camped on the side of a mountain which was a pretty adventurous experience. In the pictures below you will see a bunch of rocks and we carried the telescope and all of our camping gear down it and then back up it when we left a few days later. It ended up being a lot harder than we expected but it was still cool. Daniel was hoping to get some pictures of the Orion Nebula while we were there but it was very windy and wasn't able to get a good picture. I have included one of the pictures he took while we were in Florida. Daniel took the picture but my mom did the editing and added the Bible Verse at the bottom of it. 

We appreciate all your prayers and support. We will let you know when we figure out what is happening next. We have been enjoying our time of waiting and have peace about whatever happens. 

God Bless, 

Daniel and Amy


  1. Hi Daniel and Amy, I have hard time to capture what it would be like to be able to see the depth of the sky that are filled with stars. These stars seems to be speaking something of the sphere of our God, the creator of heaven and earth: His greatness, unlimited power eternity.
    When we pray, God hears and in this belief. I hope God will provide you what is best, thought nothing is clear. While waiting, you have more time to study the Bible. God speaks to us through various ways. More often then not, His word is rich and powerful source of insight on His will. May the Lord be the source of peace and comfort for you in unsettling time!

  2. Very cool setting! Praying your visa situation gets worked out soon

  3. Amy! I didn’t realize you had this blog! So sweet to read about what’s happening in your life. Love these pics. What adventures...so cool!!!
